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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

College Tuition!

College has begun to get extremely stressful but I still keep going......why you may ask? Well because I want to get my Associates and Bachelors. Besides my older brother I also wanna prove that I didn't need any help with my education besides my mothers, who was ALWAYS there for whatever I needed. I also think that I'll be the first to complete college on my mothers side I'm not quite sure about that yet but getting my degree's would be a goal of mine being accomplished. The stressful part of college isn't so much about the homework or tests no I can handle that its the tuition :| As of now I'm at a community college doing my basics and then I'm transferring to a university which is way more expensive than college and my Financial Aid probably won't cover my two years there maybe just my first semester. I don't exactly know how to get scholarships except for the Star one which by the time I wanted to apply for it it was already closed but I'll get to it next year when I'm on my way to Uni. I really don't want to get Student loans because I'm already in debt with some other stuff and to have this added on would be to much :( Anyways I got an application for work study which is the first time I will ever do this, I really hope I get a job so that I can save up money. I'm nervous though because I've never really had a real job, I've had small jobs but nothing as legit as work study and I have 5 classes this upcoming semester and plus I still want to go to the gym. How am I going to fit all of this in a day? Class, work, studying, homework, gym, sleep, eating, etc :| this is what is making me stress out more and it totally sucks! WHY DOES COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY EDUCATION HAVE TO BE SO FREAKING EXPENSIVE??? :( Y U NO DO DISCOUNT? lol jk!

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